Created by fw-bot-adhoc
- Merge method
- Review
- ci/runbot-oba: Odoo by Adhoc with running tests
- ci/runbot-modified-modules: (runtime 1s)
- label
- adhoc-dev:17.0-16.0-h-88539-lav2-p-o4-fw
- head
- a5326e9b6ddf6108cfbc897f4c726fc580b5aa44
- target
- 17.0
- forward-port of
- ingadhoc/website#356
[FW][FIX] website_sale_cancel_quotations: add a context
send a contex beacause if website isn't installed and we add in the domain website_id = or != False is a bug baceuse the field don't exist in the so
Forward-Port-Of: ingadhoc/website#356